feels like i'm falling and i,
i'm lost in your eyes
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Saturday, October 25, 2008 @ 10/25/2008 05:54:00 AM
Lets Party! xD
Lets Party! xD
-Before the party-
Tadaa! I bought some snacks (chocolates and sweets) for class party teacher's day celebration on the 25th. xD So cheap. :P At least I got buy something mah. xD Well yeah we do have class party. Its actually for Teachers' day & Hari raya. =)

-During the party-
You know what. I ate 3 rounds. xD Haha! I'll end up gaining weight ni. T.T But yeah, as usual Bree would say you're still skinny bah. :P The party was fun! xD I got helped them making some ribbons for decorations for our classroom. Dijah is so talented! She was the one who make the ketupat! It was gorageous! xD I even 'tapao' one home. She insist. =P
Oh yeah before we're having party we went to canteen first. xD Got ceramah-ing and three students made poems for teachers. ^^ And! We got new elected head prefect for 2009 whom is my classmate, monitor and prefect = Miftah Haziq Bin ... (uhhh..forgot his full name xP Bree will remind me for this =/) Is it Zulaiehe? Spelling error?? =P Well yeah, Bree drooled for the whole morning. He gave some speech for teachers. Then after that we salam all the teachers in our school. My legs hurt after that coz I keep bending & salam all the teachers. =/
I feel like Exam is over already coz we had party baa. xD Haha! Exam start on Monday kaliah! T.T
-After the party-
Ahhh~ So tiring~ Stomach heavy but I forced myself to walk. =P I wanna go home & rest but oh noo~ Mami came fetch me with sis and bro in the car. I knew Mami's going to take us to some place.
"we're going to education fair later o~" said Mami. I knew it! T.T
Sigh~ I miss TV & my bed~ I'm like a pig eyh! :P
-Education Fair-
I saw three people I know at Rizqun there~
1- Shafira
2- Cikgu Nasib (Hadri's dad) xD
3- Steven's friend. (don't know his name) xP
Shafira tagur me 1st. So surprised I can met her there. Shes with other Stpri students.
Cikgu Nasib was there too. But I think he doesnt know me :P Well its a good thing laa. I won't have to tagur. haha im shy baa. =P
Surprised also I saw Steven's friend. The guy that always took picture with him de. x)
But when I look around I expect to meet Steven but no. =P He'll be in my afternoon nap later. =PPP