feels like i'm falling and i,
i'm lost in your eyes
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Monday, January 5, 2009 @ 1/05/2009 10:55:00 PM
Happy School Day
Happy School Day -.-

School~ The only fun thing about school is meeting up friends. During holidays, students usually hang out at Malls or just stay at home playing games. But now Holiday went Bye Bye. Now hello to school, teachers and classmates.

On the first day of school, nothing unusual. We don't study because we just been given our schedule on that day itself. So yeah, we didnt brought any books that day except for some nerdies including me -.- Well I'm not that nerdy nerdy. It's just I like carrying books. I was like finding troubles on my own. Anyway, carrying books looks cool ba :P

My classmates, 5sci1, classmates still the same. The only different is they all using new stuff like new school bag, pencil case, stationery, school uniform, etc. All new. Seems they're so excited for the new year. Well I don't. It's like an ordinary day to me. And all of my stuff is old. Nothing new. Except my pens. Of course every month I need to buy. I use a lot of ink on writting. My pencil case had been following me for nearly 5 years since form1 ive been starting using it. One of my friends is like every year changing pencil case. wow. I guessed i'm not updated.

And then here comes the fun part. Meeting my classmates! Oh how much I missed their giggling and laughing echoing around the corner of our class. Their faces still the same. Duh -.- And Teachers! I miss them too! :D It's been a month we didnt meet each other. but now nearly like everyday.

My computer studies teacher is still the same. Sir Leong. He's been teaching us for 5 years including this year. Thank you sir for your patience to teach us. sorry to make you feel so anooying of us :P

The 3 sciences, Biology, Chemistry and Physics, yeap still the same. Same Same Same. Commerce I bet its the same :P

Addmaths now, Miss Susie has been taken place this year. She's really good in teaching no doubt. Although she teaches like a machine gun according to my sister, she teaches much more clearer than teacher Iza. And on the first day of school, she motivated us that makes me more confidence in doing addmaths now. She'll give us a whole lot works to do this year. And I hope I can cope them. I hope. She already gave us the first homework on the first day.

Sir John W is our english teacher. Yeah an Ang-mo again. Last year and this year is ang-mo. I think it's good maybe. He motivated us too. And yeah i'm more semangat already to read books for 5 hours in a week. That's what he said. Or maybe even better, 10 hours a week -.-

Alright, I'll stop elaborating now. I gotta continue my addmath exercise. Ciaoz people.