Sunday, November 22, 2009 @ 11/22/2009 11:07:00 PM
Away for a moment
Away for a moment
I went Miri the other day. Well it was yesterday actually to be precise. For half a day. Just to cure my boredom staying at home and to hunt for entertainment. I'll be going insane if I'm not going out from this house for a week ;)
Before we set off our journey, we had to make sure everything's were in their place. I meant that my parents are really freaked out with all those important stuffs like passports or keys if they tend to forget to bring them. So in the mean time, my brothers and I wait them as they packed them all up. My little brother psst-ing me as he saw two kittens playing his sandals :P They were just so cute and I wanted to stroke them already on its head. But I hold back cause I don't wanna get my hands dirty and that time I was too lazy to wash my hands so I didn't. I just stare them in the eyes. That was the very last moment I saw the kitty when a tragedy happens to it.
My dadi start his car engine to move his car so that my mami's car set off to our journey. When my dadi already moved his car and so did mami, all of a sudden he pointed to the drain. We were in a shocked state when we saw in our eyes, the kitty had died in vain. It's head had been ripped off, nowhere to be found and it's body was in the drain. I guessed my dadi's tyre and my mami's had squished it's head into pieces and it's too late for the head to hide in the drain. My feeling was all mixed up when I saw right infront of me, a headless kitty. So horrible O_O That moment was like a movie from Final Destination all right. Poor kitty! Blood splattered out. Infact, my lil brother said he saw it's tongue and eyeballs? *puke* But I know I saw it's spinal cord! YUCK!
In a minute I just saw the kittys playing naughtily to my lil brother's sandals and for a moment, it was dying in vain. Two out of three had died already. One left. I still can't believe it, it just passed away like that. What a tragedy. And I blamed for it stupidness! -.- My dadi had already start its enjin, it should ran off quickly ma~! Sigh, stupid cat just won't get it. Don't blame our murderer, kitty O:P
It's mother then came to the scene. And she acted as if nothing happens, I think. Smelling the putrefying dead body just made me sick *puke* Omaigosh, I just couldn't get rid off the picture of the headless kitty for the whole journey to Miri. What a bizarre event.
Sigh, forget the headless kitty! -.- Miri ain't fun alright. Shopping there is the only entertainment I could search. Don't know for you guys. Well, at least it's better than here, Brunei. As usual we went to Boulevard. I bought a T-shirt cause I envied my mami which she bought shirts too. She used to complain that I had lots of shirts in my cupbaord already and not necessary to buy again. Her clothes are much mountained than mine but yet I just keep quiet. She bought two shirts and I bought one only. I'll be buying lots in KL! :P
And oh, I've bought contact lens ;) I've been wanting to try to wear in my eyes. I wanted to know how it feels like. HEHE I bought a perky brown color though I wanted smoky black one which made the eyes pupil bigger but it's quite costy than the usual one. So I ended up with perky brown ;D *happy*