Friday, November 21, 2008 @ 11/21/2008 05:46:00 AM
A date to remember
A date to remember
I thought today will be the worst date ever coz he told me that he saw his ex-primary teacher there and also all the teachers are friends of his mum. he asked me if i wanna postponed our date or not. Of coz no! Ive been waiting for so long till now, I won't postponed because of that. Haha he said so embarrasing ah :P Well at least he came early and waited for me like one and a half hour :D
When arriving at mall we tarus go to the cinema and watched HSM3. Its actually started at 1.15pm but we came late. 1.30pm we went in :D
Besides us got this couple wah. French kissing for the whole movie :P They didn't even watch the movie ah. Dear peeking lagitu :P i heard the sound only. eee. :P I kissed him twice in the cinema. haha what were you thinking! Its on the cheek laa! my 1st kiss still available! haha like doing commercial :P he kissed me twice on my cheecks and once on my forehead. I can felt his heart beating very fast wah :P
After that we go jalan-jalan. It's too dangerous here at mall. Dear knew many people here at mall so we just walk do nothing :P I met teacher Amelia too :) Then we go funland to play the jackpot game. I played thrice but not as lucky as him. He just played once already got 50 tickets coming out. He's my luck! xD then we go arcade sing two songs. I didnt bring water nor bag so I drank his water. Indirect kissing :P haha atupun bagitau xP
I'm really happy today. Hope the time would stop there at that moment. But he went home first before me. I gave him a goodbye kiss then off he went. After that i went to the bookstore. Coz I dont wanna be alone. and plus at bookstore there is more safer. People are nerds in here =P