feels like i'm falling and i,
i'm lost in your eyes
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009 @ 1/28/2009 06:50:00 PM
Sweet Sixteen?
Sweet Sixteen?

25th January 2009

Yesterday was the day I became a year old again. And it was the worst birthday in my life. Why did I say that?

Well first of all isn't it nice that no one ever remember my birthday? How sarcastic I am. Not even one of my family members remember my birthday.

And second, they just treated that day as an ordinary day. I was being told to do chores and all that stuff. And the day my jie came out from the camp coz of holiday. They all care about my sister. I was being ignored and later isolated. I was hoping greatly at least one, ONE of my family members would mention that 24th January is something special. Seems like my birthday isn't as important as my jie's arrival.

At least some of my friends did send me birthday greetings. They actually made my day. Thanks guys :)

I cried hiding myself out from them ='( I suddenly miss all my friends and school. They wish me happy on my sweet sixteen. However, my birthday was a bitter sixteen.