feels like i'm falling and i,
i'm lost in your eyes
HELLO PEEPS! ♥ Welcome to Emz's bloggie ;)
My blog is obviously an exposed to public and only I have the right to type out myself and peeps out there whom are willing to read.
This blog is created to amuse my boredom by writting those stuffs that had just happened and the stuffs I adore.
If you found this blog doesn't suit your requirement, yes, sort yourself out thanks ;)
I would be glad and pleasure to have you here viewing my blog, thank you.
Enjoy reading 'em! :D ♥
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009 @ 3/10/2009 03:43:00 AM
I'll save up my tears. I will cry no more :) Someone had just coloured back my life. And that'll be my friends and family. Why would I want to wait for him to colour back my life 100%. I have other lovers other than him. So yeah, I'm actually lucky to have such lovely friends and family :D Thank God I'm blessed.