feels like i'm falling and i,
i'm lost in your eyes
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009 @ 5/19/2009 01:35:00 AM
Totally Tired Tuesday
Totally Tired Tuesday

Random : It's been a while I didn't watch TV =/ Aww, and I've missed all the episodes of Wu Di Shan Bao Mei -.-

Exhaustion rose within me when I came to school. Tired and at the same time sleepy -.- I don't feel like studying due to my sleepy mode. But yet I painted a smile on my face when my friends came to say hi to me. For the first period of subject already made me stressed. I've been spending for long hours, probably like 6 hours? on computer project. Gosh, that was so stressing! Imagine, staring on the computer screen for 5-6 hours doing it non-stop. Probably because of that the short-sighted came to me.

Ah talking about that, during the English lesson in the reading room, I couldn't see what was on the white screen of the projector. The darkness of the room and the distance from the white screen had made me almost impossible to see what was on the screen. So I took out my sister's spec that I borrowed from her and wore it. Ah, what a clear vision infront me. I could see it so completely clear. And then Dijah noticed me and said, "Ah Emily! You look nice on it!" She was saying it almost out loud =/ Therefore some classmates of mine turned their head to the back and stared at me like a stranger. Well yeah it was my first time wearing spec to school and let them see as well. And then I was like, "Aww Gee Don't look at me. I look weird!" while covering my face and demand them not to look at me. Good thing the lighting which is dark hid my face which is in the blushed state. Oh great, they didn't get to see my blushing face ;)

Wearing spec is such a nuisance to me. For the first timer probably is like that. Then I walked around the school with the spec on. The environment of the school and the people here suddenly became soo wonderful, so beautiful, so clear. I could even see one student's pimple from far :P Aww so gorgeous, fascinating much! Then the people that I know became curious like asking me, "Eh Emily you wear spec as well ;)" Smiling was the only thing I could do. Why did they have to ask me again while they were seeing me on spec? -.- Some of my classmates were saying that I look cute in spec. I didn't make up this sentence alright. They stated it. I objected their statement and replied them I look terrible in spec.

Oh great, just now I really did have a worst headache during chemistry lesson. I didn't concentrate much on what teacher was saying. The spec really got my head spinning like mad. It hurt my eyes and my head and my nose as well, my ears too. Gahh, it's like entirely my head hurts! So I took the spec off. Aww, the world had turned to blur again. So I alternatively wore on and off my spec making my head more hurt. Aiman gave me a meaningful statement, wearing spec on and off would definitely making your head hurts, besides I'm a first timer as well. So yeah I accepted it and wore for necessary purpose only.

During the afternoon, I had extra class computer. Continueing the computer project again was really exhausting. Sir Leong, my computer teacher spotted me wearing spec.

Sir : Eh Emily, finally you're wearing spec ah?!
Me : Yeahlah
Sir : Told you already you're short-sighted. I knew it since last year loh
Me : -.- Baru this year I'm short-sighted
Sir : *ignore my sentence* How many is your degree?
Me : 100+ It's not mine actually, it's my sis's
Sir : Your one lei?
Me : No time to buy so I borrow my sis's first loh
Sir : Haiya what you mean no time to buy. Nearest shop got lei, checking for few minutes only mah
Me : *ignoring his sentence* Alright, I gotta go do my project now.
Sir : Bah go do now ah. Don't waste time already. You guys are far left behind already ah.

Then he kept nag, nag, nag on us! I bet his hobby's nagging. I wonder how his wife could stand his nag ah? When he left the computer lab for taking stuff, my classmates were sighing of relief. Ah, free from his nag finally. He just won't stop nag on us.

Alright now I have to go do my project now. Before the end of May must finish this Design and Implementation stage. And before the holiday starts must finish them by that date. I got like 200pages to go. I know, hell lots! -.-