Tuesday, June 16, 2009 @ 6/16/2009 04:11:00 AM
Random : *Switch off TV, dash to upstairs, mummy coming in my room while I'm innocently studying* Angelic wannabe act =OHoliday's for two weeks! *stab myself* Daily routine perform for two weeks are definitely wanting my life. I'm so bored for crying out loud. I could already feel the home sweet home since I'm always at home all day -.- It's a good thing I'm getting cooperative with my family members.
The enthusiastic feeling in me suddenly is mountaning up my brain when I was told to go to Miri! At least I'm outstation. My holiday will be at least meaningful when I'm going outstation. I don't wanna be like a couch potato here, either sleeping or eating or watching TV. Or nuh-uh. I did do my homeworks for the past few days. I did. And not a bluff. The last time I said to myself that I want to finish all of my homeworks last week was just a bluff. I couldn't even manage my time. My time of studying is somehow flexible. I couldn't fix them well. Gee right. And now tomorrow I'm going to be away for almost two days I think. Two nights staying at Miri will be fun. Doing chores and all stuff really make me getting on my nerves -.- Fine, at least I'll do some shopping there.
Oh last Sunday I did hang out at the so-called-the-most-popular place in Brunei. You better had this place in your mind coz what I mentioned was the one and only shopping complex where you can find all sorts of teenagers hanging around. Yes, you had in mind already. The Mall would be the first choice that all the teenagers would spit out to their parents whether they wanna hang out with friends. While I was at that place I could even tell from their faces. They're getting bored of this mall. Sometimes I wish the Royal Highness would do something to this place. Renovate become bigger or something maybe will satisfy the local people here. Or probably coming out with new stores will be just fine for the customers to see all sorts wonderful stores available in the Mall. Other visitors will be satisfy to the new environment of the mall. Ahh yada..yada..yada -.- *talking crap again*
I found this really interesting shirt or is it blouse? at UG (Utama Grand, in case you don't know). It is actually cute and childish looking of you see closer and see the real one. But when I took picture with me wearing the shirt it looks like this:-
Not so amusing as I thought. It's just look so plain =O Hmm maybe a better closer look will be fine.
#$%^&* I don't admit that girl in the picture is me. She look nothing like an office girl =O But in the end I decided to buy them. Since it suit my taste and since I won't be crying a lot coz of my flying money.
Hmm what's the day today? Oh crap, Tuesday =O Good news! I managed to finish the so-hell-lots-to-do-and-it-takes-6-months of COMPUTER PROJECT! Wuhuu! People always says No Pain No Gain. And now mine's Pain Gain! Lame =O Never I feel so satisfy and I nearly let out my tears out after finishing them and I had complete till about 185pages. *jumping here and there like a ballerina* *Bone cracking* Ouch -.-
Oh that Sunday it was my dad's birthday. Happy birthday Dad. And oh it's belated. *take back my words* HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY DAD ;) Love you till the max! xD Long live my daddy.
Actually I didnt give him any gift at all. I didn't know what to buy for daddy =/ If it's mummy I know that ;) Well suppose just give me a few days to figure out what to give my daddy on Father's Day ;)
Here's the tender looking cake. Chocolate! Mmm~ The white cream rose seems real. And ahh I apolojized for taking picture of the cake so near. Coz that time the cake was eaten already till half. Good thing I still managed to take a shot of the rose. It was so delicious. I ate that for breakfast the next day. And I still eat that for the afternoon tea =D
So long readers. I'll be away for 2days ;) Bon voyage for me.