Friday, June 5, 2009 @ 6/05/2009 12:27:00 AM
To my Bratharr :P
To my Bratharr :P
Random : I like doing rhyme sentences ;) Rhyme I like.
I've been known him since he was born. I know exactly what he likes and what his dislikes exactly. I know his attitude and his personality. Though we're not as so close as my sister and I, but I do know him well. From the way he talks to me, I know exactly what's inside him. I don't meant that I'm a psycho or what, trying to know person's personality by figuring the way they talk or act. I just know by automatically. What can I say, we both are siblings ;)
To post this for today I just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BROTHER, WILSON and will type some good side of him or probably the bad side ;P He did know that I do have a blog but he doesn't seem to curious to know my link. And everytime when he walks into my room he would see me either blogging or chatting and would wonder that how did I see fun in those boring stuff for him. If he were to use internet, he would go for something else. Something that usually all teenager guys would do for example, youtube and playing games. The game recently he's playing is pokemon. For me its outdated, so I suggested him to play some games which is popular these days like Dota, ah.. what else, I didn't even know myself =/ Whenever my parents is not around, he would sat infront of the computer all day. He just won't stop unless power supply cut off.
He got the brain, he got the looks and I bet most girls in my school would be chasing him. Though I don't know if its real or not. If I tend to talk to him about this kind of thing, he would say that there's this girl in his class keep looking at him and annoy him. I laughed at their immature and childishness act and told him that probably the girl likes him. He would denied it. Well that's good too coz my mum needs him to concentrate more on studies. He's not really the braniac at school but at least I know that he's the intelligent of all.
He got flaws as well for example blaming people which is not their faults. He's always like that. And that attitude of him won't change unless he thinks mature enough. His mind is still immature and the shyness in him won't disappear. (oh wow, it ryhmes :P) Sometimes he's a stuck up person and kiasu one and would really get me on my nerves. He and my other little brother keep making noise in the house. Won't they give the surrounding air a little peaceful. They like producing noise pollution. Even the whole neighbourhood could feel the noise pollution. I don't mind coz year after year, his noise volume would probably decrease in level. I do hope for that -.-
Dear brother,
I hope you will get mature enough and think about your future now. You keep changing your ambition and I didn't even know what's your interest in become. You have the potential doing Maths. Even your maths are better than me so keep it up. You're 14 now and think twice before you act. Sometimes you tend to act or talk foolishly which ended up asking questions which are not common sense. Random questions I would say.
Hmm probably that's all a sister would talk to a brother.
We all love you bratharr ;) Happy birthday~