feels like i'm falling and i,
i'm lost in your eyes
HELLO PEEPS! ♥ Welcome to Emz's bloggie ;)
My blog is obviously an exposed to public and only I have the right to type out myself and peeps out there whom are willing to read.
This blog is created to amuse my boredom by writting those stuffs that had just happened and the stuffs I adore.
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Enjoy reading 'em! :D ♥
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Monday, August 24, 2009 @ 8/24/2009 01:37:00 AM
Gotta get get
Gotta get get

Heh, I just woke up from my nap. Due to my neighbour's annoying disturbance! -.-' What is tiis. Playing outdated songs like Apolojize by Republic and Low by Flo Rida? Go get yourself a radio and hear some UPdated songs! Rather than playing that two annoying songs with a boom boom boom and a pow pow pow -.-' My whole room was vibrating due to your boom boom pow. No logic of any science theory I suppose -.-' Oh sheesh, you just spoiled my sweet dream! :O

I was about to dream of Alan Wu! Oh gosh, I am so in love of that guy! :P Hot mahn! HAHA!! I like the way he smiles! AWW He got dimples for Goodness sake! XD

Whenever I watch Amazing Race I would go on wondering like, "eh this camera man, why don't you just picture on Alan Wu only!" HAHA! *passed out* Haba-habaa~ :P HAHAH! *I sound so pervert, euw -.-*

Mami, I wanna join Amazing Race can? :D HAHA! *poke poke his muscle*

Everytime when I see the champion of Amazing Race will hug him due to their carried away mode! Especially girls -.-' I may have the chance to hug him y'know? Unless I win the Amazing Race as a champion! I would go screaming and hugging him at the same time due to my hyperactive for winning million dollars. Not just that, I get to hug him! Now that's the best part! *imagining* Your imagination is beyond the limit, Emily! O:)

Can't take my eyes off you ~ (8) HAHA! I could go on singing~ :P

And ah, I probably can improve my conversation skill by blogging or just by reading people's blog. Oh hey, look at the bright side, Oral English is just a piece of a donut as well :) Break a leg for tomorrow's :D