Sunday, November 23, 2008 @ 11/23/2008 05:06:00 AM
Unforgettable Moment
Unforgettable Moment
I had so much fun today with the birthday girl, Eemay, Jalyn, Rhona, Deejah and Nabilah.
We played Bowling at the Utama Bowling Centre. We actually have to wear socks if not we're going to have some kind of disease when wearing those bowling shoes. Well yeah according to Rhon :P I never played bowling or even touch the bowling ball in my life. The brown ball is the lightest one so I used that everytime I rolled it :P I was scared when I held the ball I would topple over! :P Haha it's kindda heavy though. Lucky 1st trial I got 7 out of 10! I was the first one! They all scored 0! :P I was lucky at the beginning but unlucky in the end :P hahah! I was the second last. I scored 42 kali :P Deejah got the highest = 67 (I think) I got once strike! :)
I was so unlucky today coz I just got my period. T.T ugh~ Stupid why today! No wonder I got stomachache. I thought its just my starvation. Sigh~ Nevermind its just leaking a bit only. After that we went to Jolibee to take our meal. Then we went jalan jalan at Soon Lee.
I wont forget a place called Knic Knacs! That place got lots of stuff that i wanted to buy! Especially buying gifts for people. Saw some cute and cuddly stuff! And pretty, gorgeous stuff! But now im shortage of money. So i'll visit you again Knic Knacs :D
At 2pm we're going to Deejah's house to watch movie! :D We actually watched the Phantom Of the Opera. The movie is soo classical musical eyh. It's like when they talk they sing also. Every second must sing. Arent they tired or what? :P But when they talk by singing it's funny :P I've read the novel before but not seen the movie yet. It's too much singing but they sang gracefully like the sound of an angel~
The phantom of the Opera is here~ (8) xD Rhon and I pun follow singing wa. really influenc-ing :P
I dont like the part when Christine (the main girl character) kiss the Phathom of the Opera infront of Raol (the main character guy) that she loves! It's so stupid man! And she's so naive! -.- hate her! but like the movie! Two thumbs
up! :P
After that movie we watched Another Cinderella Story. I like the ending part! xD I didnt actually watch it coz we were busy taking pictures. :P We took almost over 100 pics altogther =P But I'll update it someday :) Rhon still havent give me the pictures yet.
Till here la. I need to sleep after all this tiring days. Tomorrow it's going to be the day I promote to Form5sci1! :D
Hello 5sci1, Bye 4sci1 :)