Tuesday, June 30, 2009 @ 6/30/2009 12:58:00 AM
My Routine
My Routine
Random : I heard some random facts in the radio. It was saying that doing house chores definitely can make you fit. Doesn't mean that you didn't exercising by going gym won't make you lose fats. *start doing house chores* ;O
Basically I just wanna spit out and point out my random routines though. I'm getting bored nowadays. Spending the whole day in my room. Most entertainment can be found here you see. Don't underestimate my bedroom. Though you think bedroom is just a place for you to sleep hah =O Not for me ;) Some random stuff can be done in here.
I came out from my room just to eat my meals and watching TV. Then I would go hiding inside my room again :P My room is just like heaven. There's no other interesting place like my room. Indeed ;P
Let's start with the homeworks (computer studies) *staring at those questions* Ah Easy -.-
*After finishing one question, stuck* ;O What is tiiiss -.-' Rack my brain trying to figure this bloody hell question. Scratch my head, hoping that my bulb will light up with some ideas. I could feel the throbbing in my brain. GAHH! fed up.
See the homeworks below:-
After : At least there's no books around. Papers to be done here =O Included computer, addmath and math. Yes, wasting paper, destroying the trees hmph =O
It won't do good for my brain if I continue like this. Yes, racking my brain gives me serious headache for just an hour I could feel the pain -.-
It's been a while I didn't play GameBoy. It's my brother's by the way. I don't owned GameBoy -.- Just to release some stress.
I find this game, Pooyan rather piss me off =O The highest level I could manage was just stage3. Bloody hell -.-'' I played that for 15 mintues =O
For Fitness Purposes:-
Ohanaa~ :P hahah I'm doing the hulla dance :P I even wore the hawaii pants xD