Friday, July 3, 2009 @ 7/03/2009 02:39:00 AM
Random : When you say nothing, that means there's something. Nothing means something. Ahhhpakann =O
Fuu fuu. It's been a while I didn't make an entry huh ;) *Gasp! Been busy la ;O What a weird expression that is.
I've been busy on doing homeworks but yet it just won't satisfy my requirement. Forget it, I won't finish them anyway by the start of the school reopen. To be precise, by the end of extended holiday. Oh heck, it just the same -.-
I planned to make a post I've been wanting to post! Yes, procastinating just won't do any good. Just wanted to point out some of the ones that I adore.
Aww my eyes won't just stop staring at them. They all look so perfect. Perfect enough to be my idols. Neh, not really. I just adore them ;)
By2 manage to catch my attention. They're superly adorable! Grrr!!! And they're just 15 for crying out loud. Talented on singing and dancing. Oh my God, hate them hate them!! =O *jealous* no, really. Who doesn't "hate" them?! I mean ENVY, for now my mood is good.
Sigh, their perfect face~ Been wanting to tear them off and put on my face. I sound like a psycho ;O
Somehow I just wanted to take 2 pictures of them only. But this one caught my attention again ;O
Stupid pervert guys! Obviously you can see what were they trying to do =O *SLAP! By2 are just so idiot letting the perv to see -.- No brain. But nice pose indeed (Y)
Somehow I'll just choose another person to be the one I adore. And the first guy that popped into my mind was Aaron Yan Ya Lun!
Picture of him above shows he's so fair indeed. Maybe the lighting I guess. But the one below was okay-looking. Still, AWW AREN'T YOU ADORABLE!! ;O *screaming like a mad monkey*
And hey, I found this really look alike hot dudes:-