Saturday, February 28, 2009 @ 2/28/2009 12:46:00 AM
Opposite Attracts
Opposite Attracts
Oh my gosh~ I was like smiling for the whole day after walking out of the hall. We were the audience of the Academic Performance for the best students for PMB and O-Level 2008. Congrats for the people who got it :D I'm so happy for you guys and for me too! xD I was smiling till now. My smile never disappears. In the mean time it was already painted permanently on my face :P Even during Physics, Chemistry and Commerce, I was smiling innocently to teachers. My classmates were all concentrating while I was stupidly smiling to myself like I was in the other side of the world.
During at the hall, Bree and I were already plan to sit at the end of the seats coz Bree wanted to return Rhon's file when she got down from the stage. And also I wanted to see Johnny :D But too bad I was thinking that Johnny sat so far away. that I have to stretch my long neck to find his head on the other side of the seat. Bree told me opposite attracts :D She made me felt a little relief :P And Miss Annie also got mentioned about opposite attracts when she teaches Electrolysis :P Again, I felt happy when she mentioned that :D By the way, Principal's speech made me motivated whereas Tetamu Kehormat speech made me went to the other world. I was thinking of Johnny and at the same time I chit-chat with Bree, as usual, random stuffs :D By the way, Ck.Azizah made my day even more! She said "cenderaMATI" when our school wanted to give the Tetamu Kehormat cenderaHATI! She's "nyanyuk sudah eh" :P hahaha! She's like wishing him to die early :P I laughed like hell. Everybody was too xD
Oh yeah, the reason I was smiling like a psycho was because today was the first time I saw Johnny's mother. Ahh~ Like Lyea said, my soon-to-be-called-mom-in-law :P Gee, I'm blushing :P Johnny's mom is so pretty :D If she would have become my mum in law, lucky me to have such a pretty mom :D haha! See, I was day-dreaming again xD I like her hair especially. Well of course, his mum is working at the saloon xD When I first looked at her I was like oh my God! She's so pretty! :D haha! Johnny and her mum were passing by me when they got down from the stage after taking prizes. I waved to Johnny and he smiled to me :) ah, he's so handsome at that time. I felt like wanna hug him and even say hi to his mum. Haha as if I dare. Congrats darling :D
Oh yeah, the funny and the stupid moment I've ever encountered was during at the dome. Bree and I were like outsiders. Coz we were standing there in a group of our ex-seniors. They were asked to take pictures with the tetamu kehormat. I felt sorry for Bree that I have to drag her too to meet Johnny :P Ah, but when we looked at each other from far, he just smiled to me. Duh, I expected him to come to me. I don't wanna go to him, coz he's in a group of guys! I don't want to go there! And him, he's the one suppose to come to me. Stupid darling haha! :P I wanted to talk to you so desperately.
So I'll have to wait him finish talking with the guys and taking pictures. Then he appeared to me. Oh yeah, this was the stupid moment that I had just mentioned earlier. Why was I saying thank you when I gave him sweet? -.- I was like replying to myself! Oh my God, I just embarassed myself infront of him. I was blushing, sweating ! -.- hahaha! I'm so 'intelligent' eh~ :P haha! He laughed at a bimbo like me. Thank you for laughing at me :P Well, maybe I didn't see him already for a long time and maybe he's good looks made me speechless :P haha I was also too laughing at myself stupidly :P
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @ 2/24/2009 02:23:00 AM
"Giselle" :P
"Giselle" :P
The reason why my title is to be named that is because there's a certain guy in my class whom is rude, kiasu and always kena bullied. Pity him though. He was nick-named Giselle by all my classmates :P It sounds gay right? And we even saw his Biology notebook which he wrote his own named with BINTI in there. We laughed like hell when we saw that! :P He explained that he's lil brother did that. If I were him, I would Tipex the Binti already. Why would he want to leave the Binti like that? So gay. And also, you guys are always bullying me that I like Ghazali! Oh for heaven sake, why would I like a guy like him? So euuww.. -.- And plus I got my own lover already. And you guys keep teasing and bullying me. Though it's fun to joke around but what if Johnny heard this? He'll get jealous tu :P haha!
Once I told Johnny about Ghazali and my classmates were teasing me. His blood seems to be boiling although he just nodded his head and said "ohh~" I knew he's angry all right. That means he cares about me :P *flattered*
Afternoon classes of sciences will always be practicals. Dijah, Bree and I will always swap places and that will be fair for all of us. Even in class we do that. It means that one of us will be doing practicals, partner with one of the guys. Dijah and I will not sure who's our partners whereas Bree has no worries about it coz she's always with Muin, the genius :P And Muin is always willing to be partner with Bree which means I know something fishy about both of them ^^ Whenever Dijah wants to partner with Muin, he refused. Doubled the fishy I guess :P
By the way, my title :P We computer studies students were released early just now due to Sir Leong busy. So we went home at 3.30pm. While waiting and doing nothing, me, become rajin again did addmaths at library. Addmath homework is due tomorrow and I had already answered 2 questions only. Actually I wanted to see Ms.Susie in the morning but I forgot. Nevermind. Anyway, while I was doing my addmaths with emotional and madness coz my answer is different from the back. So I ignored and wanted to go outside breathing fresh air. Suddenly, Ghazali went to my table and snatched my foolscap with my addmath homeworks inside. He was like snatching away before asking permission. I was like -___-" "Okayy, you can have it" What in the world was that kind of person? Fine, he's rude alright. He was like looking through my homeworks and kept asking me whether I finish them already or not. Of course not. Sitting on my chair and wanted to leave the library, I was wishing him to disappear from my sight ASAP. The bell rang and yeah he still stare at my paper. Until a student called him. I think he's car was there already. Then he return my homeworks without saying thank you. Then he dashed through the door. The way he dashed made my day. I laughed with angryness.
Saturday, February 21, 2009 @ 2/21/2009 08:14:00 AM
Late night
Late night
I can't wait to blog right now. Currently the time shown is 12.15am. Today has now turn out to be Sunday 22nd Feb. I was from ICC just now. And I saw many unexpected people just now :D
I went to ICC for the PWM academic awards. However I didn't get to be chosen coz my grades were bad -.- I took the prize on behalf of my sister though.
That night was such a boring one. I was like sitting alone in my number seat which my number is the last, the VERY LAST. No.383. And I waited and sat there on my own chair like a bimbo. They were approximate 383 people to get the awards and I'm the last one. You know, you have to wait for your number from 1 to 383 to go up to the stage one by one number?! Actually theres got this number 384 though. But this person didn't exist. I was surrounded by a bunch of MD's. They thought I was from PTE -.- I'm so like an outsider! =.= Luckily I have my phone around so I chatted with Johnny to not bimbo myself. And before that, I messaged Bree, telling her that I saw someone :P haha sekadar :D I was too surprised to see him there wa. He was also came to take the prize. And he's even the supervisor and a photographer. Read this one, Bree :P
For all this year starting from Form1 I've been taking this PWM award except for my Form4. Shame on me. I hope I can still take it when my O-Level's result has out. I hope Vivian will get it too! :D We chit-chatted random stuffs :D Too much to mention. It was really variety :D Mostly we were talking about Twilight. She seems soo into it wa :P hehe. I introduced the River flows in you song to her. She loves it :D
And oh by the way, the first time I get to meet Johnny's sisters. Aww, they're so adorable ^^ And Jane looks pretty. I love her hair so much. At first I didn't notice her until she came to me and ask me.
(in Mandarin Version)
Jane : Excuse me, are you Emily?
Me : *turn around look stunted* Uhuh *nodding like a bimbo*
Jane : Ohh. *run away*
At first I couldn't click that she's Jane. Then I realized she is Johnny's sister. Then I thought, wow she looks pretty :D
Ok, I think I better go to bed now. It's getting late and I have to go Miri tomorrow. I'll update my blog soon :)
Thursday, February 19, 2009 @ 2/19/2009 04:21:00 AM
So much Random
So much Random
Currently my desk are piles of homeworks now. Mostly are Maths and Addmaths. Just like Miss Annie said, we guys are always doing either maths or addmath in the early morning when she entered the class for registration. We had neglected all the sciences subjects and others too. Yeah it's true alright. We didn't wish this to happen. Miss Susie didn't even give us time to breathe for a while. All she does is, "nah, finish this classworks and submit it today and this homeworks as well. As usual submit it after a week" Well I create that word though. But she really meant it like that.
Everyday got extra classes which is so much exhausting.
Monday : Addmath till 2.30pm
Tuesday : Computer studies till 4pm
Wednesday : Chemistry and Physics till 4pm
Thursday : Biology till 3.30pm
Saturday : Commerce till 4.15pm
Every night I went to bed at 11.30pm and everytime when I wake up, I got panda eyes. Due to unfinished homeworks has always taken my beauty sleep. I even can't finish them all in a night. I need more time! Why is the time going so fast?! how I wish the time could stop when I'm doing homeworks and I can just start the time again whenever I've finished my homeworks. Sigh. Or maybe I'm just too slow in doing homeworks. Oh God. I'm so lagging :'( I need to change that habit for the sake of Addmath.
Bree and Dijah has been my close friends since last year. So good having them both by my side. We talk random things. Mostly whenever I talk with Dijah it's all about school stuff and homeworks or subjects. On the other hand, I talk random things with Bree. They both are the intelligent ones. Whereas I'm not. Neither intelligent, smart nor talkative. Dijah is also talented. She make DIY things. I envy her so much. And I know that Bree spend her time playing games. Well mostly :P She have no worries in exam coz she's already smart. No need to study for exams she will achieved the highest score. It's true. I really envy both of them :'( I don't have this brain like them. All I need to this is be hardworking so I can achieved my target. if I don't, my results will be dropping like hell. I admit that I'm hardworking. That's because I'm a slow learner. I take things slow-ly.
I need to be hardworking till the O-level starts. I'm trying right now. I won't give up till that day. I will study hard like hell to achieve my goal. Wish me luck.
Saturday, February 14, 2009 @ 2/14/2009 01:50:00 AM
The best gift
The best gift
As usual I'm doing my daily routine everyday. Waking up early in the morning, brush my teeth, took a shower, eat breakfast and going to school. Well not everyday, for school time only :P 6.50am arrived at school. As usual the 5sci1 guys are being so rajin. Doing addmath homework early in the morning when arriving. Watching Muin, Hisyam and Jason were so rajin. I decided to sit down and do my addmath instead of day-dreaming. I haven't even finish my addmath last night. The addmath was actually overdued already -.- Dang, what was I doing last night?
I didn't even notice theres something on my table. Something on my table? *stare* oh, valentine's gift. Somebody actually send me valentine's gift?! O_O AH, who else could it be other than Johnny :P hahaha! It wrote from : Guess who? lagitu :P Of course it was so obvious. From the way he wrote and the handwritting. I thought it was a love letter :P apalaa. Then when I opened it, I was so surprised and happy. Tears of joy leaked from my eyes. I didn't know why I cried because of that. Coz inside was the Addmath question in my homework that I brought to Mall yesterday! Oh my god, I was so happy and so touched. I cried silently la, nobody knows :P
He gave me the songs of JJ that I ever told him that I want his songs yesterday. I didn't expect him to give me the songs so soon. Meanwhile I borrowed his pendrive. And, his pendrive is the same as mine! :D pqi, same colour same brand~ waa~ :D
This is the best valentine's gift I've ever received! Usually guys gave valentine's gift to their girlfriends are usually flowers and chocolates or teddy bears. But I've received Addmath answers and pendrive of the songs I've always wanted! :P I want a gift that can last long and memorable. Received all this gifts are really meaningful to me rather than received flowers (they will wilt) , chocolates (they will be all eaten by me) , teddy bears (they will be killed by my little brother coz he's always 'menceroboh' my room when I wasn't there).
From now on, I will try to love Addmath as much as I love Johnny Lee :P
I'm listening to JJ's songs by the way. Our idol :P I love his songs as much as he did :P
@ 2/14/2009 01:19:00 AM
今天Jin tian qing ren jie - Liang jing ru
小任性 鬧情緒 縱然愛淋過了雨滴
放開又握緊 會思念的熟悉
壞習慣 倔脾氣 沒道歉也可以忘記
再找到你悲傷的海邊 更靠近天堂 看的更遠
我們笑著跑很遠 海岸線的蜿蜒
一個微妙的體貼 我知道今天會是情人節
不是第一次聽你說永遠 淚水還是湧成溫泉
一個為愛的改變 我知道今天就是情人節
你要我看見我有多特別 讓心快樂的把回憶重疊
壞習慣 倔脾氣 沒道歉也可以忘記
再找到你悲傷的海邊 更靠近天堂 看的更遠
我們笑著跑很遠 海岸線的蜿蜒
為你唱一首歌的時間 淚水在腦海繞地球幾圈
每個翅膀裏都那麼笑得親切 那就像星光滿天
一個微妙的體貼 我知道今天會是情人節
不是第一次聽你說永遠 淚水還是湧成溫泉
一個為愛的改變 我知道今天就是情人節
你要我看見我有多特別 讓心快樂的跑過一整年
I request this song especially to my love :)
Friday, February 13, 2009 @ 2/13/2009 02:20:00 AM
Good News
Good News
:D I got a great news to share with you guys. Johnny's not going back le~ Ahh I'm so happy till I can fly without wings~ xD Thank God, our relationship can last long. Maybe forever :) I really love him. I do. I love you Jia Ming :D
I had a date with him just now. For advanced valentine's. We actually just saying happy valentine to each other. We didn't celebrate :P We even wore the same outfits. I mean I wore black and white stripes with a badge on it. And he's outfit is similar to mine! But he's the long sleeve one. He gave me a necklace. Very unique. It's a necklace with a key with lock and two rings hang together. I really love it! It's so meaningful to me! Aww :D Really suits my blog title haha :P Thank you my dear~ :D
The Underworld 3 movie made me cry. Atu bah, the movie is like about war and I don't like to see people killing each other. And the way they kill vampires and werewolves was like the blood splurted here and there. So violent and disgusting. I didn't dare to watch that part so Johnny closed my eyes :P Ugh, I chose the wrong movie -.-
I saw Kaveen at Mall and his gang. Long time already I didnt see him or contact him. Kindda miss this dude :P I waved hi at him and he waved back :) I can see that he's a bit moody and I don't know why.
Believe it or not. I even brought my Addmath homework to Mall :P I want him to teach me wa. He's a genius in Addmath and of course my senior :P (A) I'm such a nerd. People at Mall was like staring at us. Haha :P And infront of us was his chemistry teacher. We were doing Addmath infront of her. She must be proud that her ex-student is so rajin bringing paper and pencil to Mall :P Johnny wrote the working out while I was day-dreaming. but at least I know how to do now :P Too bad we didn't manage to finish all the questions. So yeah, I'll have to force myself tonight to finish them all!!
Ah, nothing to say much now. Just, I'm happy till my mind totally blank right now. Let me day-dreaming may I? :)
Saturday, February 7, 2009 @ 2/07/2009 05:23:00 AM
Crying Breakdown
Crying Breakdown
He actually has to leave! :'( I'm crying like hell now! crying till my tears are all dried up. I need to recover my tears again for future use. But I couldn't cry anymore. since my tears had already used up because of him. I didn't tell anyone about this except to release it here. I didn't even tell my bestfriends coz I don't know how to say it. And since they're not so interested in my boyfriend then why should I. I rather keep it to myself. And please, when you read this reader, don't mention to me again coz I might get hurt again. And maybe burst with tears again. I felt a bit better to release it here. Sigh. It'll be better if he's staying~
Thursday, February 5, 2009 @ 2/05/2009 10:56:00 PM
by Bree :)
1) Do you think you're hot?
Am I? :P Neh, I'm not :D Depends on the weather. But now the weather is cold and wet so I'm not hot :P2) upload your favourite picture of you.

3) Why do you like that picture?
Coz I got dimples in that picture :P You see that? :P hahah! Although it's not so obvious :P and I smiled naturally.4) What's the last song you listened to
River Flows in you. I'm listening now coz I'm currently reading Bree's blog :P Auto playing bah tu that's why :D5) What name would you prefer besides yours?
I like my name very much thank you. Although it's plain, ancient and simple, it's easy to remember :Ptagg 5 people :
who is number 1?
>My bestfriend since Form1 :D Love you Besht! :Dnumber 3 is in a relationship with?
>Oh yes, he's soon to be my brother :P I know you have been stalking my blog although I don't know your link but she said that you got yourself a blog :Psay something about number 5?
>She's the cleverest, prettiest girl I've ever known :)how about number 4?
>She's my bestfriend since Form4 :) She's the Sam in our group totally spies :P haha lame :P And she's the Hermione in Harry Potter's group. She's intelligent in any ways :Dwho is number 2?
>She's also my bestfriend and my childhood friend. We've been together since we're kids :P @ 2/05/2009 10:28:00 PM
It's been a while
It's been a while
I actually abandoned my Blog since last week coz I was accompanied by my homeworks all day long. It's been a while. I've been busy with homeworks lately. And since the Olevel result 2008 has finally out, I was kind of afraid since then. I kept thinking about it. Wondering I should study hard from now on. 2008 OLevel result was not really satisfying. The highest was just 6A's. Congrats for the one who had achieved their aim and I felt sorry for the ones who had retained. It's not too late to work hard again :)
I'm actually proud of Johnny's result. Although he didn't get any A's, He still makes me proud. At least he pass and managed to get 8 O's. But since then, he kept blaming himself and he's regretting for not studying hard that year. Yesterday I met him at school. He came to school for the teachers to sign the blue form. I could see the disappointed face in him. His face made me feel sad and tears nearly came out from my eyes. I don't wanna cry infront of him. In fact I never did. I don't wanna make him sad. When he told me that MAYBE he would go to Kuching study instead. I kept silence for a while. Holding my tears back. And wondering our relationship, will it last long when we're in a distant? I'm not quite sure. I can't tell.
I miss him so desperately. We haven't even chat properly. I mean since the day he came back, either he's busy or I'm busy. We chat for just a while. Last night I chatted with him for a while then he told me that he's gonna sleep early coz he has to wake up early to do some stuff. So I let him. And after that, I could actually concentrate on doing addmath and Chemistry. In fact, I could just finished my Chemistry for a night without chatting with him. Addmath nearly finished though, coz some questions I need to refer to Muin since I don't know how to do :P And i thought for a while, what if he go to Kuching? I will be able to concentrate more on my studies. But I'll miss him and I can't tell our relationship, will it survive when he's so far away from me?
I cried last night, praying for him not to stay at Kuching to study. I want him to stay here. Maybe go Katok to study. Why do you need to go so far? I can't wait to see him again. I need to see him. I need to talk to him. Well maybe next week.