Wednesday, April 21, 2010 @ 4/21/2010 06:30:00 PM
Dumbly -.-
Yesterday really lighten my day up. Penyu swimming club, I adore! ;D HEHE. It was awesomely fun! Especially when you get to swim with my love ones! :D Chynna and Amy were surprisingly following up us that day ;) AND Dijah dated me! :p HEHEH. Matty was coming too! *hugs*
I followed up the small van instead the big bus so when I arrived at the pool I just knew that most of my friends were coming ;D We got changed up as usual then off we went to the pool. It was told that downstairs had been closed so we had to use upstairs intead ;/ the oh-so-deep pool that my feet won't get to touch to the ground eventhough I'm tall! *falling down into the pit hole*
For the one and a half hour in the pool, I mostly hang out at the side of the pool -.- I tend to not know how to swim already when I'm in a deep pool? :( I nearly drowned in the middle of the pool -___- I managed to kick the water to float myself, omaigod.
Zhi han and Matty were funny :p
Zhi han : *swimming, trying to float, ahhh.. *drowning* (HHAHAH)
Me : *grab him* oi you okay ka?
Zhi Han : *cough cough* -_-
Matt : I can see that your leg ah, looks like jungle!
Matt : Even coackroach going into there, won't get to find the way out.
When I was swimming in the pool, I suddenly caught someone was as if he was pulling my hair then I was like OUCH MAN!
Me : *coming to the surface* Oi ZHI HAN! You want to cabut my hair hah?!
Zhi Han : Ah? I did that ? sorry sorry :S
Me : HAHA, it's okay :p
Matty kept poking me in the water! (L) HEHHEHE :D *poke back*
I HAD FUN DOING THE CANNONBALLS ! :D Vian was enjoying it too, yes? :DD
I didn't actually curled up like a ball? :p HAHA I'll try to fight my 'phobia' next week :p
I despise adoringly don't really like eas lesson -.- wth is wrong with my grammar.
Today my eas teacher, (I don't really wish to reveal his name here due to maybe some stalkers would stalk me then the stalker will go like "ohh, so this girl despise this teacher, I'mma tell that teacher!" then I will be so in big trouble -__- childish much) ok, where was I?
*playback* Today my eas teacher, using my name several times ah! -___- We were learning ambiguous.
He spoke for examples and asking questions :
- My mum read her book. They got two different meanings. (My mum is reading her book OR my mum was reading EMILY, a book)
- *looking at me, smirking* EMILY, tell teacher, stolen painting found by tree ? (I was actually day dreaming :/ ouch) I answered, I don't know, sir. He replied, OH GOOD! Johnathan, help her. ( I feel so dumb -___-)
- *explaning a question* EMILY, do you understand? Ming Bai? *nod nod* GOOD! (I WAS CONCENTRATING OK! but somehow he thinks that I'm still blur -__-)
- *looking at me again without calling my name up* class, example of adverbs! DUMBLY. EMILY, remember that. ( I go like WTF in my heart. didn't he just offend me! )
- *stare at me* EMILY! complaints about NBA referees growing ugly ? ( I successfully answered it correctly! :p ) very good! *search for another victim*
Oh hail the mighty. Please give me power to conquer this eas subject and give me bravery to show my weakness of being shy! -__________-
enough of that ! *sniff sniff* I felt guilty after made complaination about that -_-
My Matty darling's friends said I look like a doll in this picture! :O
AM I? DO I??! ;p