feels like i'm falling and i,
i'm lost in your eyes
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Thursday, March 11, 2010 @ 3/11/2010 10:01:00 PM
My birthday boy ♥
Seriously, I did his birthday gift last minute :p To be precise, I started last monday ;p I was having a hard time on deciding what to give. yeap, ending up stress haha. In the end, all my hardworks are worth every minute spending on it ;D

I made paper hearts for him. It's my first time trying and trial, experimenting the ways to fold it in a proper way.

I even thought of youtube-ing it -__- I really had no experience on folding origami sort of. That's the best I could think of a birthday gift haha ;p Self-learning by youtubing. I sort of followed the style on folding kind of like that. Mission accomplished! Though I didn't count how much hearts had I folded, successfully filling up a box of hearts! ♥

I thought of putting my record books inside too ;) hehe. I was really glad I finished writting in just one night before his birthday ;p yeap, I stayed up late night just to make everything perfect O_O

I sent a lovely birthday greeting exactly midnight, 11th March 2010 ♥

The morning, going to school as usual. I met up Lyea and the rest of my mates last year. Sitting with them and chit-chat for awhile. They've been at the pool area way early like 6am -.- gee ;p After that Lyea and I went to our registration class to take attendance.

As usual I had all those subjects arranged in my schedule for Thursday. Early period had Eas. Sir Ravi as usual teach with his emotional teaching method :P haha. Physics period after that, whenever I see Teacher Ainee, she reminds me of teacher susie :/ her teaching method likewise ms.susie. Yeap, sort of strict and she didnt talk much. But at least Teacher susie got sense of humour -__-

Breaktime with ps after that, had a chance to spend more time with my birthday boy :D He was asking for his present but I lied to him saying that I did not have since I'm empty handed ;p say, my bag was getting heavy due to the present I had to carry :O hehe.

During breaktime I get to meet up my friends ;D I was a bit awkward and put up a flusterred expression when Matty told me that vice president of go wants to talk to me. I thought she was going to mention about the go club thingy but instead she told me she'll gonna give Matty a surprise so I obey her rules ;p HEHE Alright then during ps, I finally gave Matty his perfect gift. He loves it! ;D Kept saying thank you AWW ♥ ♥

During lunch time, we successfully hid the surprise for him :D yayy, mission accomplished to put a smile on him! Most importantly, he laughed ;D I love the way he smiles, it's just so tempting ;p HEHE ♥

HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY MY DARLING ;D The book record I had written about you are facts and never will I change my heart for the others. My heart just belonged to you. Hopefully I'll get to celebrate all your birthdays every year ;D *mwah* ♥

I should have taken a picture of the present I gave ;p

Love you lao gong ~ ♥♥

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