feels like i'm falling and i,
i'm lost in your eyes
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Monday, March 15, 2010 @ 3/15/2010 05:21:00 PM
Fifteen 5th ♥
On the day itself, Monday, which I don't really admire the day cause it's mostly called to be a monday blues. I slept pretty much late that night, kept blinking my eyes yet not yet fell into dreams.

Great, early in the morning, I won't be much suffereing from lessons and so yay for me then! ;p Due to the competitions for zikir thingy or maulud thingy, I'm not pretty sure of it. I'm pretty sure that it's for the muslims thingy. Zhan got suggested to go to library together instead of going to hall the whole day ;p We'd rather go study at the library.

Splendid thing that we found ourselves a place to do our works. Mind you, library at my school is pretty much smaller than my former school :/ Wayy smaller that kind, plus, I always have difficulties in finding place to sit since katok-ians are lots.

I was doing my physics whereas Zhan was doing his biology. I could see that all those Zhan read the bio notes are like "heaven" -__- GOOD thing I change my mind that I decided to take computing instead of bio. I was actually thinking to drop computing then go for bio. However, I thought of it the last minute, then I decided to maintain my subject as computing. How indecisive -.-

Zhan and I were shivering below the air-con for two hours straight -__- I bet we're the only juniors that escaped from MPH O:p HEHE. Zhan was being lame that time and I didn't even concentrating on my work due to I kept laughing at his lame jokes and we did chat a lot MEH ! :P

Spotted Matty in Math class when we're on the way to the toilet, even waved at him like sot ;p HAHA!

My ps was at block5 so I went home early. That's the reason why I dislike monday :)

I love you more each day

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